Fall 2021

Dear NYC-Parents in Action Community,

We are back and fall has arrived! The road has been bumpy these past 18 months and we applaud your fortitude as you’ve juggled school schedules, workloads, aging parents, rising college freshmen, new kindergartners, and Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!! We so appreciate your ongoing support throughout!

NYC-Parents in Action has been busy as well.

As we celebrated our 40th Anniversary in 2020-21, we moved our services online in accordance with pandemic protocols. It was a success story; NYC-PIA Zoom Parent Talks last year drew a record number of meetings with record attendance! We reconfigured materials and training to ensure flexibility and now, whether in person or on Zoom, our Facilitators are ready to go. Many Parent Talks have already been scheduled.

For our 2021-22 programming, we open with a compelling two-part Fall Webinar entitled, “Sex and Self Esteem: Starting the Conversation. Fostering Trust.” On Thursday September 30th, in the evening, Sari Cooper will guide Middle and High School parents on how to help teens develop healthy self-esteem and counter the messaging of internet porn. On Thursday October 14, at lunchtime, Lindsay Fram will address Lower School parents on raising sexually smart kids, with a focus on the early years. You should already have received a Save the Date – watch for the invitation to come.

We understand how important it is for friends and family to gather together, but for our Fall Benefit, current guidance indicates a virtual event will be safest. We are working at providing you with an inclusive and fun experience. Stay tuned!

Our School Relations team will kick off the year with two Zoom Orientations for your School Reps, offering support for our entire school community. AND, we now have a short video “sizzle” to explain our Parent Talks, available to any grade considering or scheduling a meeting!

Finally, a call to volunteers: We have re-vamped and refined our volunteer management system and file sharing platforms. If you have skills in that area, or a willingness to learn, come join us as a volunteer. Please click here to learn more about working with our dynamic organization.

Watch for our updates, as we invite you to BE INVOLVED, BE INFORMED, BE CONNECTED. We are keeping health and safety at the top of our priorities as we move into the new school year. Please join us, as we Re-enter, Renew, and Reconnect!


Lucy Martin Gianino
NYC-Parents in Action Chairperson


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