Fall 2023
Dear Friends,
Parenting is full of paradoxes. We want our children to be independent, yet we want to protect them and provide support. We encourage them to excel in school, yet we don’t want them to be anxious. We embrace new technology, but struggle with how to protect our children from its harmful effects. At NYC-Parents in Action, we aim to support parents as they face these challenges. We don’t believe that there is only one right way, but we do know effective support is anchored in good communication – with each other through our Parent Talks, with our children and through expert advice. 
We learn with experts in our Parent Lifelines: Online Seminar Series and our Fathers Forum. 
  • Thursday, September 28 at Noon: Join us for the first of four online seminars this year as we learn from Geoffrey Golia, LCSW, Clinical Director of NY Center for Living on how to navigate the new landscape of fentanyl, vaping, alcohol, cannabis and off label prescription drug use. 
  • Monday, February 26: Fathers Forum will be held in person at Trinity and live via Zoom. Our panel will again include two heads of school: Robbie Pennoyer (Grace Church School) and José De Jesús (Dalton) along with internationally recognized Professor of Developmental Psychology, Dr. Niobe Way, whose books, academic research, and TED talk inspired the Oscar nominated foreign film “Close.”
We learn from our teens during our annual Teen Scene, where NYC Independent High School students offer a candid snapshot of their lives! 
  • Monday, February 5: Teen Scene will be held in Adler Hall at Ethical Culture. Mark your calendar as we return to an in person gathering in a bigger location.
If you would like to train with us to become a NYC-PIA Facilitator for our Parent Talks, click here to learn more and to sign up! We begin September 19!
Thank you for being a part of our community as we learn from each other and embrace parenting together this 2023-2024 school year! Registrations for all our events will be coming soon.

Linda Kelly
NYC-Parents in Action
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